• Stronger, better, faster - More Creatine equals More Power. Creatine is the most used performance enhancing supplement in the world. Simply because it works so effectively it is so wide spread and accepted. Countless of users have and still experience gains of 10 - 15% or more in strenght and stamina with heavy lifting. More reps with higher loads results in more muscle growth. It´s really that simple!
  • Advanced Collagen protein is the perfect fitness protein for muscle building made from Salmon. Loaded with protein that is rich in essential amino acids and minerals, the goal for this product is to supply a perfect muscle building and fitness support protein supplement. Collagen protein provides bouth muscle building properties and a smooth and youthful skin. Want to learn more about Advanced Collagen protein from Norway ? Please visit our Brand page Nortech Nutrition for in depth information and Nutrition Facts.



  • Amino acids is a wide range of single and multiple pure amino acid molecules that amplifies anabolic effects in musculature. These highly sought after natural protein molecules is well known performance aids in the sports nutrition industry and is being recognized mainstream for all kinds of active people for its anti catabol and anabolic effect on muscles. Nortech Nutrition carry a detailed range of Amino Acids and deliver scientific proven formulas for performance enhancing effects. Nortech Nutrition range of anabolic muscle building amino acids • EAA (Molecular essensial amino acids) • BCAA (Branched Chain Amino Acids) • Glutamine (Pure Pharmaceutical L-Glutamine)
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